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KoTeBi Förderer Koordinator Partner

KoTeBi Project Partners //

Optimizing TLS Security with Combined Knowledge - KoTeBi

A number of partners from various sectors are working on the KoTeBi project. By working together with experts from different fields, synergies can be used to make the project more effective and efficient. This includes researchers at universities, as well as representatives from industry, science communication and specialists in the field of IT security and TLS.

As part of the project, methods for user-friendly and automated testing of encryption protocols are being researched. Our aim is to identify and avoid vulnerabilities and compatibility problems during programming. The researchers are working closely together to make the development of communication protocols more secure and to make an important contribution to the future viability of Germany and Europe in a digital world.


BMBF - KoTeBi-Partner

Federal Ministry of Education and Research

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is a supreme federal authority of the Federal Republic of Germany. It promotes the research and development of security solutions at all IT system levels. The aim is to create innovative building blocks and complete solutions for secure and comprehensible IT systems, from development to deployment and application of these systems. As part of the Federal Government's research framework program on IT security “Self-determined and secure in the digital world 2015-2020”, the BMBF has published a guideline for funding research projects on the topic of “Security at all IT system layers”. The guideline is intended to help increase the security of IT systems in Germany and Europe and strengthen technological sovereignty. The BMBF promotes projects that deal with the security of IT systems by providing financial support and promoting cooperation between research institutions and companies.

Further information on the sponsor BMBF can be found here >>

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Coordinator and Project Partner

Coordinators play a key role in the planning, organization and management of projects. They monitor progress, resolve conflicts and are responsible for effective communication. Project partners bring specific expertise and resources to the project, implement activities, report on their progress and contribute to the project's success through networking.

Close cooperation between coordinators and project partners is crucial in order to achieve the objectives efficiently.
Universität Paderborn / SICP - KoTeBi-Partner

University of Paderborn, SICP – Coordinator

The SI-Lab is the central scientific facility of Paderborn University in the SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn. The SICP is a cooperation between technology companies in the region and Paderborn University. More than 30 university working groups from various disciplines are involved in the SI-Lab. The KoTeBi project is located in the SI-Lab in the Digital Security competence area and benefits from access to the extensive expertise and network of the working groups involved. The SICP is the coordinator of the project and thus leads the research and development of the project.

Website of Coordinator SICP >>
Hackmanit GmbH - KoTeBi-Partner

Hackmanit GmbH – Your Specialist for Web Security and Cryptography

Hackmanit GmbH was founded in 2014 by IT security experts from the Ruhr University Bochum. They have international publications in the field of TLS security, web services, single sign-on and cross-site scripting. The company's focus is defined by penetration tests, practical training and customized threat analyses. Thanks to their up-to-date research know-how, Hackmanit employees are able to provide state-of-the-art recommendations in these areas and support customers on research-related topics. In the KoTeBi project, Hackmanit is driving development forward and providing support with expertise in the field of TLS.

Website of project partner Hackmanit >>
InnoZent OWL - KoTeBi-Partner

InnoZent OWL e.V.

As a business network, InnoZent OWL has been an established and networked player for over 20 years and maintains very good contacts with the regional industry networks, the two chambers of industry and commerce and the OWL Chamber of Crafts. As a technology transfer partner, the network accompanies and supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in identifying new technologies, evaluating them in their own application context and introducing them in line with requirements. Around 300 corporate partners and over 40 R&D institutions are involved in the project-oriented InnoZent OWL network throughout Germany, and there are also a number of international contacts. The network is a member of the Cluster Platform Germany, the cluster policy excellence measure of the Federal Ministry of Economics, in which around ninety of the most efficient cluster management organizations in Germany are organized. As part of KoTeBi, InnoZent OWL takes on the integration of SMEs from selected application domains to accompany research.

Website of project partner InnoZent >>
Ruhr-Universität Bochum - KoTeBi-Partner

Ruhr-University Bochum

The Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) is one of the leading research institutions in Germany specializing in IT security, among other things. The Chair of Network and Data Security (NDS) at the Faculty of Computer Science conducts research and development in the fields of cryptography, cryptographic protocols, Internet and XML security. The aim is to comprehensively investigate the numerous cryptographic techniques and standards used in these areas. One focus of research here is on protocols used in practice, such as the Internet standards TLS, SSH and IPSec. Since 2014, the chair has also focused on developing the TLS-Attacker framework, which was designed for the evaluation of TLS implementations. Building on this, further frameworks have been developed which, for example, use automated scans to evaluate the relevance of attacks in the TLS ecosystem. The TLS Attacker framework is being used and further developed as part of the KoTeBi project.

Website of project partner RUB >>

Further Cooperations

We work together with other cooperation partners in the project, who support our partners with their expertise and thus contribute to the success of the KoTeBi project. These are either associated partners or independent interested parties in the project. Their involvement can vary depending on the requirements of the project and they can take on specific tasks or phases that match their expertise. In this way, they strengthen the overall capacity of the partnership by filling gaps with their skills or resources that may not be covered by the main partners.
Utimaco - KoTeBi-Partner

Utimaco IS GmbH

Utimaco is a leading global provider of high-security technologies for cybersecurity and compliance solutions and services with headquarters in Aachen, Germany and Campbell (CA), USA. Utimaco develops and produces on-premise and cloud-based hardware security modules, solutions for key management, data protection and identity management as well as data intelligence solutions for regulated critical infrastructures and public warning systems. Utimaco holds a leading market position in its core areas.

More than 500 employees take responsibility for customers and citizens worldwide by developing innovative security solutions and services that protect their data, identities and networks. Partners and customers from a wide range of industries value the reliability and long-term investment security of Utimaco security solutions.

Website of Utimaco >>
TII - KoTeBi-Partner

Technology Innovation Institute

The Technology Innovation Institute (TII) is a leading global research center based in Abu Dhabi. It is dedicated to expanding the frontiers of knowledge and developing new technologies. TII's mission is to advance applied research in various fields of science and technology. The research areas are diverse and include research into the security of communication and data transmission as well as the development of secure and reliable systems.

Website of TII >>